Since September 2020, the Hui has been able to pause one additional site in West Maui (Olowalu Shore Front) and three sites in South Maui (Kilohana Dr., Keawakapu Beach, & Ulua Park), bringing us from 33 to 29 sites monitored for nearshore water quality. The Hui pauses the monitoring of sites for one or more of the following reasons: we have a good understanding of their water quality dynamics, these sites have little to no pollution or fluctuation, no management is currently underway for contributing land based pollution, and/or no permanent funding is available to continue monitoring these sites. Part of this shift to monitor fewer sites allows the Hui to expand our efforts into some other water quality research and working with partners to delve deeper into some of the pollution “hot spots” our data has helped identify. Monitoring continues at the following sites, thanks to the work of our wonderful volunteers and Team Leaders!
August 2024
Photo: Header - Bruce Forrester