The following resources and documents developed by The Nature Conservancy and partners are posted below for you to download and utilize within your community and/or nonprofit to develop a stream monitoring program.
The template Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is required by the Department of Health for quality assured data. The QAPP template is meant for you to fill in details about your specific project, site, and organization, to then be submitted for approval.
The Stream Sediment Monitoring Toolkit is document outlining how to establish a sediment monitoring program in your designated stream, with resources on equipment types, sampling methods, and lab information.

Ridge to reef projects that implement best management practices to reduce sediment and other pollutants from non-point source pollution are increasing in number and complexity because of the recognition that downstream water quality affects coral reef growth. The Hawaiʻi Department of Health, along with other private and federal granting agencies are interested in how mitigation projects improve water quality, specifically turbidity and water clarity.